1. This site features a detailed model of Uncle Scrooge's money bin built by 15-year-old Norwegian fan Mats Gullikstad. Based on blueprints sketched by cartoonist Don Rosa and architect Dan Shane for the back of an Uncle Scrooge comic book, the model features hundreds (thousands?) of individually cut coins, a removable wall that reveals 12 stories of office space, 250 individually built desks and chairs, tiny props that appeared in decades of Scrooge adventures, and--of course--a giant swimming pool of money.
2. This site features a super-high-resolution image of Leonardo daVinci's "Last Supper." And I mean super-high-resolution. Zooming in on the 16 billion-pixel image just 20% or 30% reveals the crumbling texture of the wall and its precarious hold on Leonardo's pigments. Zoom in all the way and I'm pretty sure you can see electron orbitals. The site also offers terrific background information about Leonardo's life and analysis of the painting's details and significance. I didn't care for the music, but you can turn that off. It also understandably takes each image a little time to load whenever you zoom, but it's worth the wait. I hope this project is the model for many more like it.
Feel free to conclude what you will from the fact that I think these two topics somehow belong together.
Heh, that model is actually pretty cool. It'd be fun to make one, if only I had the time...
Now the question is, what to make a model of...?
I think I'd make a Batcave.
So if you zoom in close on The Last Supper can you tell it's Mary Magdalene? 'Cuz I believe everything in a Ron Howard movie...
That's why, whenever I go to the beach, I look for mermaids.
Ooh, a Batcave would be fun. And then, eventually, you could build an entire Wayne manor on top!
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