Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Another Reason to Love the British...

...Because when baby hedgehogs break their legs, they take them to the animal hospital and put little casts on them. Also, because they named an animal hospital "Tiggywinkles."



ronnie said...

Oh my gosh! Thank you for sharing this. I almost burst into tears - of pity, and of gratitude for the people caring for them. Poor wee things. How wonderful that someone takes the time to care for these little creatures.

Anonymous said...

They're so cute!!!
And the tiny little casts that make them hobble around are adorable too! Yay, British people!

Sherwood Harrington said...

I agree, Ronnie, that it's wonderful that someone is taking care of the ones they can -- but what's happening to the general population of these little critters is heartbreaking.

Mike Lynch said...

Mikey wanna fwow up.

Anonymous said...

How come none of the other hedgehogs signed his cast?