Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy Birthday, Girls!

Happy Birthday to my twin daughters, born 18 years ago today ... back before I went gray, not that I'm implying any correlation. The law may call them adults (we reminded them last week that if they were planning any crimes they'd better get cracking), but they'll always be my babies. And love to my wife, who did most of the heavy lifting.


Lynda said...

Awww, the are so cute! My mom says my siblings and I made my dad go gray. lol!

Happy birthday to your girls!

Anonymous said...

And now they'll be passing miletones that really make you feel old. I've a granddaughter graduating college in a few months. I've threatened to disown her.

A great part of having girls is that we get lots of special attention despite delegating so much of the heavy lifting.

Congratulations to you and your feminie weight lifter.

ronnie said...

Look at that baby, holding on for dear life to those two babies :) What a wonderful photo, Brian - thanks for sharing it.

My Dad got his first grey hair the year I turned 16, DOES make a correlation, and reminds me of it every chance he gets ;).

Brian Fies said...

I believe that many of the best things in life are done by people too young and stupid to realize what they're getting into.

Eva Whitley said...

Jack and I used to have a ritual for the first day of every school year. One of us would say to the other "We're old enough to have a kid in x grade!" and then we screamed. In 1999, when Dave went off to college, we screamed REALLY loud.

Didn't help that he started school early (kindergarten at age 4).

If I had been able to get pregnant soon after trying for number two, we'd have kids roughly the same age.