Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Blogging 'Toonists

My blogging is likely to be sporadic for a while. I'm working under several deadlines (in my day job; nothing cartoony) and things are momentarily quiet on the book front. However, I wanted to highlight a few blogs done by cartoonists that I read regularly and who I'm sure would appreciate a visit.

Patricia Storms (http://storms.typepad.com/booklust/) is a Canadian cartoonist and avid book lover who has become a good friend of mine in the way people separated by a continent become friends online. Her portfolio site (http://www.stormsillustration.com/Home.html) displays some of her work. Patricia also contributes to Drawn! (http://drawn.ca/), an "illustration blog" that gives me a hundred new ideas and a crushing sense of inferiority everytime I look at it. I think very highly of her as a cartoonist and a person.

Arnold Wagner (http://arnoldwagner.com/ToonistsBlog/) is an old-school cartoonist, and I mean that with all the appreciation and respect I can muster. Arnold co-wrote "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cartooning," writes fine essays on cartoonists and cartooning history, and is an expert on old pen nibs and other tools of the trade. My only criticism of him is I wish he would blog more often.

Paul Giambarba (http://www.giambarba.com/blogs.html) is another cartooning veteran who, luckily for us, decided to share his work and insights on the Web. Paul embodies everything wonderful about the Golden Age of mid- to late-20th-century illustration and design. In addition, his short essays on great artists of the past are sure to introduce you to people whose work you should know. Paul ought to write a book; meanwhile, I'm grateful to benefit from his experience and wisdom for free.

Finally, for simple daily fun, I recommend The Comics Curmudgeon (http://www.joshreads.com/), which takes apart the comics page with sarcasm and occasional genuine insight. Nothing makes Josh's day like the meddling machinations of Mary Worth, the giant talking wildlife of Mark Trail, or the sixth circle of Hell into which the Lockhorns have been condemned. Fair warning that some commentary veers toward adult themes and language.

That oughta keep you busy.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I just wanted to say thanks for linking to my blog -- it's really an honor coming from this source. I read your cartoon series not long after it went up (more than a year ago now) and I was really moved by it. I'm glad to see it's found an audience and will see dead-tree publication -- it deserves as wide a readership as it can get.


Brian Fies said...

No problem, Josh. The Comics Curmudgeon sometimes provides the high point of my day. Thanks for the nice words about my work.